Friday, July 4, 2014

Thinking Habits That Work Well

Two Wrongs Don't Equal One Right
I don't need to retaliate just because someone else says or does something wrong. Anything I say or do to get even will not resolve or fix anything. It will only result in feeling embarrassed and guilty. Dealing with another's inappropriate behavior by not retaliating is a sign of true strength and power. Coming out of a difficult situation with integrity and respect for my own maturity is far more important than protecting my pride and ego.

I Am Accountable For My Own Actions
There is nothing another person can say or do that can make me say or do something I know is wrong. I can feel mad or angry and still not say or do anything that I will regret or feel guilty about later. Even if some one else says or does something wrong that really upsets me, I am accountable for how I respond. I can rise to a higher, more mature level. I can choose to deal with any situation in a calm, adult manner.

I Am Responsible For My Day
I am responsible for how I feel and for what I do. Nobody can make me feel anything. If I have a rotten day, I am the one who allowed it to be that way. If I have a great day, I am the one who deserves credit for being positive. It is not the responsibility of other people to change so that I can feel better. I am the one who is in charge of my life.

I Don't Have To Control Things
I will survive if things are different than what I want them to be. I can accept things the way they are, accept people the way they are, and accept myself the way I am. There in no reason to get upset if I can't change things to fit my idea of how they ought to be. There is no reason why I should have to like everything. Even if I don't like it, I can live with it.

Everybody Doesn't Have To Love Me
Not everybody has to love me, or even like me. I don't necessarily like everybody I know, so why should everybody else like me? I enjoy being liked and being loved but if somebody doesn't like me, I will still be OK. and still feel like I am an OK. person. I can't "make" somebody like me any more than someone can get me to like them. I don't need approval all the time. If someone does not approve of me, I will still be OK.

It Is OK To Make Mistakes
It is OK. to make a mistake. Making mistakes is something we all do, and I am still a fine and worthwhile person when I make a mistake. There is no reason for me to get upset when I make a mistake. I am trying and if I make a mistake, I am going to continue trying. I can handle making a mistake. It is OK. for others to make mistakes too. I will accept mistakes in myself and also mistakes that others make.

Other People Are OK And I Am OK
People who do things I don't like are not necessarily bad people. They should not necessarily be punished just because I don't like what they do or did. There is no reason why another person should be the way I want them to be; and there is no reason why I should be the way somebody else wants me to be. People will be whatever they want to be, and I will be whatever I want to be. I cannot control other people, or change them. They are who they are; we all deserve basic respect and reasonable treatment.

I Can Handle It When Things Go Wrong
I don't need to watch out for things to go wrong. Things usually go just fine and when they don't, I can handle it. I don't have to waste my energy worrying. The sky won't fall in; things will be OK.

It Is Important To Try
I can. Even though I may be faced with difficult tasks, it is better to try than to avoid them. Avoiding a task does not give me any opportunities for success or joy, but trying does. Things worth having are worth the effort. I might not be able to do everything, but I can do something.

I Am Capable
I don't need someone else to take care of my problems. I am capable. I can take care of myself. I can make decisions for myself. I can think for myself. I don't have to depend on somebody else to take care of me.

I Can Change
I can change. I don't have to be a certain way because of what has happened in the past. Everyday is a new day. It's silly to think I can't help being the way I am. Of course I can.

Other People Are Capable
I can't solve other people's problems for them. I don't have to take on other people's problems as if they were my own. I don't need to change other people, or fix up their lives. They are capable and can take care of themselves, and can solve their own problems. I can care and be of some help, but I can't do everything for them.

I Can Be Flexible
There is more than one way to do something. More than one person has good ideas that will work. There is no one and only best way. Everybody has ideas that are worthwhile. Some may make more sense to me than others but everyone's ideas are worthwhile, and everyone has something worthwhile to contribute.

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